category: TopView

TopView Hardware Device Vendors

TopView Hardware Device Vendors

TopView Hardware Device Vendors TopView uses modems and call-out devices for delivery of notification messages. Cellular modems/devices can be used for SMS/text notification, and call-out devices for Voice notification. Overview of TopView Modems and Call-out devices The following is a list of online vendors for some of our recommended devices. If you notice an errors [...]

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Voice Call Out Devices

Voice Call Out Devices

Voice Call Out Devices TopView uses voice call-out devices to make notification phone calls. Calls can be made through a VOIP service (network-based phone call) and analog phone lines. End of TAPI support TopView no longer supports TAPI for making voice notification calls. TAPI requires a TAPI device (voice modem, voice card) and drivers from [...]

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Remote Viewer for Windows Mobile

Remote Viewer for Windows Mobile

Remote Viewer for Windows Mobile The Remote Viewer for Windows Mobile is installed with TopView. Use the downloads below if you are running Microsoft ActiveSync/Windows Mobility Center on a different computer need to update you version of the Remote Viewer Note: You must download a version of the Remote Viewer which is compatible with your version of [...]

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Cellular modems for SMS Notification

Cellular modems for SMS Notification

Cellular modems for SMS Notification Overview TopView provides support for both serial/USB and network cellular modems/devices for SMS. If you do not currently have a cellular modem/device we recommend implementing a networked cellular modem/device. Connecting to a cellular network requires a plan with a cellular carrier that supports the chosen cellular modem (GSM/CDMA/HSPA). This plan [...]

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TopView Tag Groups

TopView Tag Groups

TopView Tag Groups Overview Tag Groups allow the user to categorize their tags by optionally assigning each monitored tag to one or more Tag Groups. Once Tag Groups are created and assigned to tags: The interactive TopView Engine window and Remote Viewer will display the Tag Group names for the user to select when viewing [...]

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Using TopView OPC with GE Proficy Historian

Using TopView OPC with GE Proficy Historian

Using TopView OPC with GE Proficy Historian Alarm Management and Alarm Notification for GE Proficy Historian Background Starting with version 6.20 of TopView Alarm Management and Alarm Notification Software, TopView can monitor current tag data in the GE Proficy Historian. This allows GE Proficy customers to benefit from the numerous features of TopView including: Detection and [...]

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Comprehensive Alarm and Notification Software Comprehensive alarm notification and alarm management software from Exele for wherever data and events need to be monitored. Use TopView® with process and automation data and events, SCADA, relational databases, MQTT, system performance, and network data. Generate audible alarms, send notifications via e-mail, SMS/text, voice call-out, messaging platforms (Microsoft Teams, [...]

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TopView for OPC A&E – Overview

TopView for OPC A&E – Overview

TopView for OPC A&E – OverviewAdditional OPC A&E ResourcesOPC A&E RESOURCESExele OPC A&E Software TRY OPC TEST TOOL FREE LEARN ABOUT TOPVIEWOverview of OPC A&E OPC A&E is a standard that allows alarm and event generators to report the details of their events to clients. An OPC A&E client (TopView Events) can subscribe to the [...]

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