Exele Newsletter July 2022
In this issue
- TopView 6.37 Release
- CEMS: New SCAQMD Regulations
- DataGate Diode: Securing Network Data Flow

TopView 6.37 Release
Alarm and Notification Software for OPC/SCADA, OSIsoft PI, OPC A&E, SQL, MQTT, Canary Labs, and PerfMon
TopView 6.37 Highlights:
- TopView for OPC UA release
- SCADA Connect Tag Importer release
- SMS: Support for SIP Instant Messaging, Yeastar TG Series devices, Incoming SMS for Twilio
- Engine Health: Automatic Engine Warnings and Health report
- Watchdog TCP for Engine Monitoring and Redundancy
- Mobile Web App (MWA): Windows User/Group security
- Manual Tags
- Plus more…

Continuous Emissions Monitoring and Reporting
New SCAQMD Regulations
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) RECLIAIM program is transitioning to a command-and-control regulatory structure. This is a complex process with several rule amendments proposed as part of an ongoing rulemaking process.
Exele’s environmental group has been participating in the working group meetings, specifically focusing on Rule 218 and Rule 1109. In addition to these meetings Exele has been analyzing the new rule language and developing updated CEMS compliance software to handle the new requirements.
Please contact us at cems@exele.com for more information about how we can assist you during this transition or to learn about how we can help address your environmental monitoring requirements.

DataGate Diode: Securing Network Data Flow
For enterprises that run critical infrastructure or other protected networks, securing the flow of operational data across secure network boundaries is an ever-present challenge. Traditional data diode solutions are notoriously expensive, and they often require a great deal of time and expertise to install and maintain.
Exele’s DataGate is robust and affordable data diode solution. The DataGate Diode allows organizations to transfer data from one domain to another while maintaining perimeter security. Best of all, it has been designed and optimized for industrial data making it easy to install, configure, and maintain.