EXELE Information Systems, Inc.

349 West Commercial Street, Suite 3300
East Rochester, NY 14445




+1 (585) 385.9740

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TopView Alarm Management & Notification Software

Privacy Notice and Information Usage

How We Use the Information that you provide

Your e-mail address will only be used by Exele. We do not sell or rent e-mail addresses to anyone outside Exele.

We may use the information you provide about yourself to fulfill your requests for our products and services, to respond to your inquiries about our products and services, or to inform you of problems with, or updates to, Exele products.

Please contact us with any questions.
Exele Information Systems, Inc.
Phone: 585.385.9740 (USA)
Email: info@exele.com

Exele is a privately held company, founded in 1978.

OSIsoft Partner
OPC Training Institute